Sunday, July 13, 2008

Badminton Training for All

Being good at any sport is not enough. Rigorous practice and focus are the two keys to excellence.

To be good at this sport requires a combination of multiple assets like physical strength, flexibility, co-ordination, quick thinking. Here is all you need to know about badminton training to improve your game and increase your stamina.

A badminton training program is much more than just game practice. It includes nutrition advice, rest, psychology, stretching exercises and weight training. An ideal training program gives you desired results and is time- efficient too. Basic and long term training programs help build stamina and fitness over long durations through regular exercising and practice.

Specialized badminton training programs however help players gain a winning edge over their opponents. A training session is an appropriate combination of work out sessions and conditioning work.

'Ghosting', which means players rally with an imaginary shuttle cock, taking different stances and positions, is the commonly used method for the latter. However, the mode and pace of ghosting changes throughout the session. A badminton training session can be modified according to specific needs, targeting a player's weak and problematic area.

Other than this badminton training involves various exercise routines. Start with short spanned rigorous exercises like running, jumping or ghosting. Intense rallying would help to build up stamina and endurance.

To choose an individual badminton training program it's essential to assess your strengths and weaknesses- both mental and physical. Physical weaknesses are relatively easy to deal with.

Thirty minutes of cardio vascular exercises 30 minutes a day, three times a week would significantly improve your stamina. Cardio work outs should be ideally avoided right before a game though.

Weight training and leg exercises like sprinting help increase explosive power on the court. Short sprints one day a week is ideal for badminton players. There are various kinds of sprints and exercises you can take up:

1. Partner ball throw - stand with your eyes closed and let the partner throw a soft, spongy ball towards you from the other side of the net. Open your eyes after you get a signal that the ball has been thrown. Now try to catch the ball as soon as possible.

2. Ball retrieval - place a number of shuttlecocks along the net line. Run to the shuttles and retrieve them one by one to a chosen base, say the back edge of the court. Timing yourself is also an option.

3. Plyometric exercises - hopping and jumping, at a fast pace with small contact time between the feet and the ground. These exercises can be strenuous however and should be done in the presence of a coach/trainer and in optimum fitness levels only.

Strength training, twice a week will help you gain extra power to fuel your game. Various abdominal exercises using weights or Swiss balls can be adapted to different fitness levels. It will add that extra power to improve your serve and returns by toning your mid section area.

You can adjust your badminton training to your specific fitness level and needs. Advice of a qualified coach is always recommended. Observing the game of a professional can help you improve your tactical ability and skills.

A positive frame of mind is an indispensable asset of a winner. Avoid pessimistic thoughts and tendencies to give up. Perseverance and planning are keys to success, in anything and everything that you decide to do.

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